Introduction to Maltese: 10 Essential Phrases You Need to Learn

Whether you’re traveling or living in Malta, learning some basic Maltese phrases can greatly enhance your experience. Maltese is a unique language with roots in Arabic and influences from English, Italian, and French. To help you better integrate into the local culture, we’ve compiled a list of 10 common Maltese phrases along with their pronunciations.

Introduction to Maltese: 10 Essential Phrases You Need to Learn

1. Hello – Merħba (mur-ha-ba)

“Merħba” is the Maltese word for greeting, similar to saying “Hello” in English.

2. Thank you – Grazzi (graz-zi)

When you want to express gratitude, you can say “Grazzi.”

3. Sorry – Jiddispjaċini (jid-dis-pyat-chi-ni)

If you need to apologize, use “Jiddispjaċini.”

4. Please – Jekk jogħġbok (yek yoh-jbok)

To politely request something or say “Please,” you can use “Jekk jogħġbok.”

5. Yes – Iva (ee-va)

“Iva” is used to affirm or agree, similar to “Yes.”

6. No – Le (lay)

To express disagreement or say “No,” use “Le.”

7. How much is it? – Kemm hu? (kem hoo)

When you want to ask for the price of something, say “Kemm hu?”

8. Where is the bathroom? – Fejn il-kamra tal-banju? (fayn il-kam-ra tal-ban-yu)

If you need to find the restroom, ask “Fejn il-kamra tal-banju?”

9. Goodbye – Saħħa (sah-ha)

To say goodbye, you can use “Saħħa.”

10. Okay – Tajjeb (tie-yeb)

When you want to agree with something or express that something is okay, say “Tajjeb.”

Now that you’ve learned these 10 common Maltese phrases, you’ll be better equipped to integrate into Maltese life. While many people in Malta speak English, knowing some basic Maltese will undoubtedly make your stay more enjoyable.

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