Malta’s Real Estate Market Competitiveness: The Dark Horse of the EU

The global real estate market continues to be a hot spot for investors, particularly in Europe. Recently, Malta’s real estate market has been gaining traction and attracting more attention from investors. This article will compare the competitiveness of Malta’s real estate market with other European countries such as France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Greece, analyzing its strengths and weaknesses.

Malta's Real Estate Market Competitiveness: The Dark Horse of the EU

Growth Rate of Malta’s Real Estate Market

In recent years, Malta’s real estate market has experienced rapid growth, especially in the residential, commercial, and tourism property sectors. According to Eurostat data, from 2019 to 2021, the annual growth rate of Malta’s real estate market reached 6.8%, compared to 4.1% in Germany, 3.5% in France, and 2.6% in Italy. This indicates that Malta’s real estate market is growing at a faster pace than other European countries.

Price Levels

The price levels in Malta’s real estate market are relatively low, making it more attractive compared to Western European countries like France and Germany. According to Eurostat data, in 2021, the average price of real estate in Malta was about €2,300 per square meter, while in France and Germany, it was €4,500 and €3,900 per square meter, respectively. This significant price advantage makes Malta’s real estate market more appealing, especially for budget-conscious buyers and investors.

Attention from International Investors

The Maltese government has implemented various policies to attract foreign investment, such as tax incentives for individual homebuyers and businesses. These measures have made Malta’s real estate market a focal point for international investors. In 2021, foreign investors accounted for 22% of Malta’s real estate market, compared to 15% in France, 12% in Germany, and 11% in Italy, according to Eurostat. This indicates a strong competitive edge for Malta in the eyes of international investors.

However, compared to countries like Portugal and Greece, Malta’s real estate market still faces certain limitations. Both Portugal and Greece have introduced Golden Visa programs, attracting significant international investments. While Malta has similar initiatives, their scale and appeal are relatively limited.

Market Stability

Malta’s real estate market has shown strong stability over the past few years. Despite a temporary downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the market quickly rebounded. In contrast, countries like Italy and Greece have experienced more volatility due to economic difficulties and political instability, making investments riskier in those markets.

Government Policies and Regulatory Support

The Maltese government has been proactive in improving the investment environment in the real estate market, introducing various investor-friendly policies and regulations. These include tax incentives for homebuyers and businesses, and the establishment of a Real Estate Regulatory Authority to enhance market oversight and protect investor interests.


In summary, Malta’s real estate market has certain competitive advantages such as rapid growth, relatively low price levels, and high international investor interest. However, compared to countries like Portugal and Greece, Malta still has room to improve in terms of attracting international investors. Moving forward, the Maltese government needs to further refine its policies and regulations to enhance the market’s competitiveness and draw more investor interest and participation.

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