Want to Start an E-commerce Business in Malta? You Must Read This Article!

In recent years, the rapid development of Malta’s e-commerce market has attracted global attention. E-commerce has not only changed consumer shopping habits but also provided new momentum for Malta’s economic growth and innovation. This article will provide a detailed overview of the current state, potential, and future development of Malta’s e-commerce market. After reading this, you should have a clear understanding of whether starting an e-commerce business in Malta is a viable option for you.

Want to Start an E-commerce Business in Malta? You Must Read This Article!

The Current State of Malta’s E-commerce Market

Market Size and Growth Rate

Recent reports indicate that Malta’s e-commerce market has seen significant growth over the past few years. In 2020, the market size reached approximately 370 million euros, with an annual growth rate of about 18%. It is projected that by 2022, the market size will reach around 450 million euros. This growth rate is notably higher than the European average, highlighting the vibrancy and potential of Malta’s e-commerce market.

 Consumer Online Shopping Habits

Maltese consumers are increasingly inclined to shop through e-commerce platforms. Data shows that in 2020, the average annual online expenditure per e-commerce consumer in Malta was 1,020 euros, reflecting a growth of about 16% compared to 2019. Clothing and footwear were the most popular categories, accounting for approximately 34% of online purchases. Additionally, categories such as electronics, home goods, and food and beverages are also expanding their market share.

Major E-commerce Platforms

In Malta, both domestic and international e-commerce platforms are competing fiercely. International giants like Amazon and eBay have established a strong presence, attracting a large number of consumers. At the same time, local e-commerce platforms such as Quicklets and Zanzi Homes are also growing their market share by catering to the unique needs of Maltese consumers.

The Potential of Malta’s E-commerce Market

 Internet Penetration and Online Payments

Malta boasts an impressive internet penetration rate of 95%, ranking among the highest in Europe. Furthermore, nearly 80% of Maltese residents use online payment tools like credit cards and PayPal. This high level of internet connectivity and online payment adoption provides a solid foundation for the growth of e-commerce.

Government Policy Support

The Maltese government places significant emphasis on the development of e-commerce and has implemented a series of supportive policies. For instance, the government has launched an e-commerce development plan that includes tax incentives and technical support to help local businesses grow their e-commerce operations. Additionally, the government is actively promoting the enhancement of digital infrastructure to improve internet speed and coverage, further fostering the e-commerce market’s growth.

Future Trends in Malta’s E-commerce Market

Growth of Cross-border E-commerce

With the increasing interconnectedness of global trade, the share of cross-border e-commerce in Malta is expected to continue growing. More Maltese consumers are purchasing international brands through e-commerce platforms, and local businesses are also strengthening their ties with international markets to expand their export activities. In the coming years, Malta’s cross-border e-commerce market is anticipated to maintain a high growth trajectory.

 Rise of Mobile E-commerce

Mobile devices have become an indispensable part of daily life for Maltese residents. An increasing number of consumers are completing their online shopping via smartphones and tablets. In 2020, mobile e-commerce accounted for approximately 63% of Malta’s e-commerce transactions. As the adoption and performance of mobile devices continue to improve, the share of mobile e-commerce in Malta’s market is expected to expand further.

 Innovation and Transformation in E-commerce

New technologies and innovative models are set to continuously reshape Malta’s e-commerce market. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of Things will enhance consumer shopping experiences and business operational efficiencies. Furthermore, emerging e-commerce models like social commerce and live streaming commerce are poised to gain traction in Malta, offering consumers more choices and convenience.


Malta’s e-commerce market is poised for continued rapid growth in the future. The combined efforts of the government, businesses, and consumers will be crucial in driving e-commerce innovation and transformation, ensuring the sustained prosperity of the market. If you are considering capitalizing on this e-commerce boom, it is wise to start planning early!

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