Winter in Malta: Coping with the Cold and Saving on Electricity

As temperatures steadily drop, we can confidently say that winter has arrived in Malta! Over the past few weeks, the lowest temperatures have decreased by nearly 10 degrees Celsius. While you might be shivering in the cold, remember that January and February are still ahead, promising even colder weather. Winter brings joy with holidays like Christmas, New Year, and Valentine’s Day, but also a lot of rain and cold temperatures. These low temperatures can be uncomfortable and lead to higher household expenses.

Winter in Malta: Coping with the Cold and Saving on Electricity

Unlike many other European countries, Malta lacks a central heating system due to the absence of a main gas supply. Most people rely on electric air conditioners, water heaters, and electric heaters. Some use portable bottled gas heaters, though their popularity is declining due to inconvenience and safety concerns. Consequently, our electricity bills often soar in winter.

During summer, air conditioning might slightly raise your electricity bill, but in winter, the increase is much more significant. Here’s why! In winter, you typically stay home during the coldest parts of the day (evening, night, and morning), wanting your home to be warm, which significantly raises your electricity bill. Additionally, the days are shorter and nights longer, meaning you use lights for extended periods. You also take more hot showers and baths, putting extra strain on your water heater.

While winter electricity hikes may seem inevitable, there are ways to minimize the increase! Here are some tips and tricks to help you save on electricity during the winter:

  1. Seal Vents and Drafts: Clean and seal your vents to prevent heat from escaping. Ensuring your home is free of drafts can improve heating efficiency and save on heating costs. If major repairs are not feasible, consider using inexpensive foam draft stoppers.
  2. Use Blankets and Rugs: Just as you switch to winter clothing, bring out your soft furnishings. Rugs can help retain heat and make your home feel cozier. Walking on rugs is much more comfortable than on cold floors! Also, use blankets and throws to stay warm without turning up the heat.
  3. Switch to Energy-Efficient Lighting: With shorter days, you’ll use more lights, so switching to energy-efficient bulbs can save money in the long run, despite the initial investment. For a romantic touch, consider using candles, but remember to extinguish them before leaving the room or going to sleep.
  4. Invest in a High-Efficiency Water Heater: If your water heater is old, consider upgrading to a more efficient model. The savings on your electricity bill will eventually offset the initial cost.
  5. Lower Your Thermostat: Reduce your heating or air conditioning temperature by a degree or two to save significantly. Instead of setting the thermostat to 25 degrees and wearing a T-shirt, lower the temperature and wear a sweater or use a blanket.
  6. Conserve Heat: Make it a priority to avoid wasting heat. Keep windows and doors closed to retain warmth. When relaxing in the living room, close other rooms’ doors. Similarly, close your bedroom door at night to avoid heating the entire house.
  7. Optimize Ceiling Fan Use: Ceiling fans can be adjusted for winter use. In winter, set them to blow air downwards to circulate the warm air that rises to the ceiling.

In conclusion, while higher electricity bills in winter may be inevitable, these tips can help you save money and stay comfortable. Let’s enjoy the cozy and economical side of winter in Malta, this beautiful island nation!

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