Your Education Choices in Malta: International Schools or Private Schools?

Your Education Choices in Malta: International Schools or Private Schools?In Malta, parents often face the decision between enrolling their children in international schools or private schools. While both options offer smaller class sizes and more personalized attention, there are significant differences that can influence the choice. Understanding these differences can help parents select the most suitable school for their children.

Educational Systems and Curriculum

The educational systems and curriculum offered by international schools and private schools in Malta differ considerably. International schools typically follow internationally recognized education systems such as the British National Curriculum, the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, or the American educational system. These curricula are globally recognized and provide students with more opportunities for higher education and international prospects. In contrast, private schools generally adhere to the Maltese national curriculum, though some may offer international courses as supplements. This focus on local culture and educational needs makes private schools more aligned with Maltese traditions.

Student Demographics

The student demographics in international and private schools also differ. International schools attract students from all over the world, creating a multicultural campus environment. This diversity helps students broaden their perspectives and make friends from various cultural backgrounds. Private schools, on the other hand, primarily serve local students with fewer international attendees. This results in a learning environment that is more reflective of Maltese culture and values.


There are notable differences in the costs associated with international and private schools. International schools often have higher tuition fees due to their educational resources, teaching staff, and facilities, which are usually of higher standards. Additionally, international schools may require more funding to support various international curricula. Conversely, private schools typically have lower fees since they follow the national education system and standards.


International schools and private schools in Malta have distinct differences in educational systems, student demographics, and costs. When deciding between the two, parents should consider their specific needs and expectations. If parents desire an internationally oriented education with broader opportunities for higher education and global exposure, international schools might be the better choice. However, if they prefer their children to have a deeper understanding and experience of Maltese culture while also saving on costs, private schools could be more appropriate.

Each school has its unique characteristics and strengths. Therefore, it is advisable to visit the schools, understand their teaching philosophies, evaluate the faculty, and inspect the facilities before making a decision. Interacting with the school’s administration and teachers can provide a clearer picture of whether the school aligns with the family’s expectations and the child’s needs. Ultimately, choosing a school that caters to the child’s individual needs and interests is crucial for their growth and success.

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