Malta Driving Test Must-Know: 13 Common Mistakes That Can Cost You Points!

Malta Driving Test Must-Know: 13 Common Mistakes That Can Cost You Points!

The driving test is a crucial step for anyone aspiring to drive on the roads. In Malta, candidates must complete a series of driving skills and rules within a set time frame. Despite some parts being relatively easy, many candidates make common mistakes that can cost them points. This article highlights the 13 most frequent errors made during the Malta driving test.

  1. Failure to Check Mirrors: Not regularly checking mirrors is one of the most common mistakes. It’s vital to stay aware of your surroundings by frequently checking mirrors. Ignoring this can lead to accidents involving other vehicles, pedestrians, or obstacles.
  2. Incorrect Use of Signals: Some candidates forget to use signals when turning, changing lanes, or parking. Proper signaling is crucial for communicating with other road users and preventing misunderstandings that could lead to accidents.
  3. Improper Positioning at Junctions/Roundabouts: Incorrect positioning at junctions can cause confusion and accidents. Position your vehicle correctly according to road markings and signs to avoid such issues.
  4. Incorrect Gear Usage: Candidates may forget to change gears when needed or use the wrong gear while driving. Using the correct gear is important for maintaining vehicle control and avoiding mechanical problems.
  5. Lack of Observation: Failing to observe other road users or hazards can result in accidents. Continuously scanning the road and being aware of your surroundings is essential.
  6. Improper Braking: Sudden or late braking can be dangerous. Smooth control of the brakes is important to prevent losing control of the vehicle or causing rear-end collisions.
  7. Failure to Yield: Forgetting to yield to other vehicles, pedestrians, or cyclists can cause accidents. Understanding and respecting right-of-way rules is crucial for safety.
  8. Incorrect Use of the Clutch: Struggling with the clutch’s biting point or stalling the vehicle is a common issue. Practicing clutch control is important to avoid losing control or failing to start the vehicle.
  9. Poor Steering Control: Difficulty in maintaining a straight line or smoothly turning corners can lead to accidents. Using both hands on the wheel and maintaining control is essential.
  10. Speeding or Driving Too Slowly: Driving too fast or too slow can be dangerous. Keeping within speed limits and adjusting your speed according to road conditions is important.
  11. Failure to Check Blind Spots: Forgetting to check blind spots when changing lanes or turning can lead to accidents. Always check blind spots before any maneuver.
  12. Poor Road Positioning: Driving too close to the curb or center of the road can be dangerous. Proper positioning on the road is essential to avoid veering off or colliding with other vehicles.
  13. Improper Use of Lights: Forgetting to use headlights when necessary or incorrectly using high beams can be dangerous. Proper use of lights is important for visibility and safety on the road.


These 13 points highlight the most common mistakes candidates make during the driving test in Malta. These errors can lead to traffic accidents or test failure. Therefore, candidates are advised to thoroughly prepare and practice these skills before taking the test to ensure a good performance. We hope this article helps those who are about to take their driving test.

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